Style: Rockabilly - Honky Tonk
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Back in ’53 when Charline Arthur sang ‘I Heard About You’, she could never have imagined that some half a century later, and halfway around the world, a feisty young Italian singer, Sabrina, aka. Rockin’ Bonnie, would be singing the same words and echoing the same sassy energy...! This, her debut album. has all the ingredients to make one strong cocktail of musical styles. Start with the barrelling piano pumping Honky Tonk of ‘I Wanna Make Love’, pour in a measure of classic Country Rockabilly with, ‘What Am I Worth’ and then add a dash of solid self penned Rock’n’Roll with ‘Burnin’. Mix in a classic duet, ‘Time’s A Wastin’, with a slice of steel guitar... shake well and serve in a cool glass... and if they all turn out like this, keep ‘em coming!!!
Customer reviews:

The debut album of this young Italian lady is one of the good surprise of 2009 and it comes, this time with no surprises,from El Toro.
Backed by a bunch of well know faces who happen to be brilliant musicians too (including Nuno from the Boppin' Boozers on slap bass, Max from the Starlighters who wrote six originals- on guitar and steel guitar, Manuel from Hot Tubes on drums and Jerry on piano from too many bands to mention here - ).
The band takes great advantage of Jerry's pounding piano and opens the set with the fantastic Bell Bottom Boogie.The core of the set is made of hillbilly and hillbilly boogie, some very rural (I Heard About You), others with fine bluesy licks (I Wanna Make Love), but You also find country waltz with harmonies (All Of This close to the early Ranch Girls stuff), wild rock'n'roll with Jerry in full Jerry Lee mode (Burnin'), rockabilly (I'm Hurtin' Again, Kitty Kat Corner), jazz (I Love Booze) a bit of western swing (Papa Boogie).
As said before the musicianship is top notch, but that's Sabrina's voice that steals the show. She rocks like Lorrie Collins, has the country flair of Patsy Cline and shares with June Carter the same fun and abandon.
Highly recommended.
Fred "Virgil" Turgis - Jumpin from 6 to 6